I shot up in bed awakened by the sound that I had thought was my alarm clock. I was surprised to find that the glowing red LED lights read 2:11 am. If it wasn't the alarm clock what was it? I had thought to myself while wiping the sleep from my eyes. Suddenly I heard a deafening crack. The type of crack you hear when you pour boiling water on ice. While the noise filled my ears a blinding light lit up my bedroom. I could make everything out as if someone had just flipped the switch on. I saw my vanity clear as day across the room.
t took a few moments before I came to my senses and realized what was happening. I had scanned the weather only hours on my laptop and had not noticed any warnings of a storm approaching. But here I was looking out my bedroom window face to face with the violent beast.
Suddenly I heard another deafening crack of thunder. This one so powerful my whole house trembled under the force of the storm. Like a child I ran for the security of my bed. Still warm from the few hours I had previously spent peacefully sleeping in it. I crawled deep within my blankets, covering myself from head to toe. Leaving nothing but a small space exposed, just large enough for me to see out of.
It felt like hours I lied there listening to the storm wishing that it would pass. Just when I thought it had moved on I was proven wrong and it gave me another terrifying blast as if it just needed a moment to put all of its power together.
My eyelids became so heavy that the struggle to keep my eyes open became stronger than my fear of the storm. The warmth that my body had generated under the blankets was getting to me. I was falling asleep. Despite my intense fear of closing my eyes and leaving myself vulnerable to the storm I eventually drifted off.
Despite the fear that the storm had embedded on my soul and the disaster it had turned my yard into. It sure did bring on a beautiful day.
I think this species should be saved because they are also living being or let's say creatures .
They also have their own life .They don't interfere in our life so, I think they also should not be bothered . we should let them enjoy and live their own life .Earth is not only home for human beings .Earth is also a home for other species.
middle English }} Latin and Greek influence
old English }} German infludnce
modern English }} french influence
d because it shows that the theme is that you shouldnt have so much more pride that you think that you can take on athena