well because we would have been more civilized back then therefore smarter, therefore catching up faster and we would be even more advanced in society today.
Also really sorry you had to wait so long.
Charisma and propaganda--Reagan knew how to reach his audience and convince the American people they were in a state of danger and he had been able to keep them safe.
The Reagan administration focused on Cold War tactics first convincing American citizens they were unsafe in a world with communism and the USSR. He then developed military focus and propaganda to prove his leadership was keeping Americans safe. This with large tax breaks and a sense of conservative 'normalcy' made him very popular with the majority of white America.
Explanation: isaac singer
Whilst Liberalism is founded on ideas of freedom, equality and liberty. Social Democracy is the best balance of freedom and equality because it promotes social justice in a capitalist economy and a liberal democratic view. Also, communism has, historically, a poor reputation for freedom and equality. For example, China and North Korea are current communist countries and Russia previously was a communist country after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.