The conventional rule is to take the plural form of the verb when two nouns are joined by the conjunction 'and'. However, there are exceptions. Only then can you break the rule.
When the two nouns refer to one thing only, then you can use the single form. For example: The president and the CEO joins the meeting today. In this example, the president and CEO apply to one person only. Hence, you use the singular form of the verb.
. Sight. Sound. Smell. Taste. Feel
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What are the 3 types of special events?
Local Special Event.
Emerging Special Event.
Expanding Special Event.
High-Impact Special Event.
There can be many themes in novels, some bigger than others. There are many characters quite often, protagonists, antagonists, major, minor, etc. I'm not sure what resolution is but the answer is definitely B. Multiple settings. A novel does not take place in just one area, one minute, one time period, etc. Good luck!