Answer: Passed by the 39 congress on March 2, 1867, it was used as the legal premise for impeaching President Andrew Johnson, whose Reconstruction policies were unpopular with the Radical Republicans in Congress. It was repealed in 1887 and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1926.
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During First World War the United States Congress passed the Selective Service Act on May 18, 1917 because President Woodrow Wilson wanted military conscription to gather men to help France, Britain, Russia and Italy, the act called all American men from 21 years to 30 for registration to help American allies with military services.
The correct answer is b) Drafting soldiers for the war effort.
Relaying the constant message of individual prosperity, writers such as Whitman, Dickinson, Melville, and Hawthorne all reflected the idea of individualism throughout their works. Expressing the constant desire for a better society and world, these writers often created strong willed characters that fought for themselves as well as others. That was the most important lesson for them. The encourage newer, younger, generations to not only fulfill the space for them in society, but also fulfill the place within themselves.
La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
El pensador durante la época de la Ilustración que elijo es Varón de Montesquieu. Este sería el párrafo defendiendo la siguiente idea.
Yo, Varón de Montesquieu, quiero recomendar que los modernos sistemas de gobierno tengan una clara división de poderes. La recomendación que hado es una división de tres ramas o áreas que son las siguientes.
Una rama el el Poder Ejecutivo, que recae en un Presidente que tiene a su cargo un gabinete de expertos en distintas áreas.
Otra rama es el Poder Legislativo, tan bien llamado Congreso. Este Congreso tendrá la facultad de crear, votar y vetar leyes. Su prioridad es crear leyes que beneficien al pueblo.
Finalmente, la tercer rama del gobierno es un Poder Judicial, un sistema de justicia que sea imparcial y pueda declarar la inconstitucionalidad de alguna ley.