The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature
Student answers vary. Eight new moms were selected to represent the users to be reached. Also, appoint an experienced facilitator to ensure everyone is on board and the conversation is on track. Discussions will be recorded for further consideration.
<h3>What does "case study" actually mean?</h3>
A case study is a type of research methodology that brings a complex problem to a comprehensive and comprehensive understanding in its real context. It is a well-known research technique that is widely used in many different fields, especially in the social sciences.
Case studies, for example, include analysis of small data sets from, say, one or two organizations. This may allow researchers to identify important industry trends. For example, the Mitsubishi Motors Group case study can be used to draw conclusions about other automobile companies.
To know more about research visit:
The answer is 3. Subtracting cost of goods sold from net sales
Gross margin or Gross profit is the profit a business earn after deducting cost associated with making the goods from net sales(Net sales - Cost of goods sold or Cost of sales)
To calculate cost of goods sold - opening inventory/stock plus purchases minus closing inventory/stock.
The attached file also support this statement.
The monthly return is the amount payable monthly divided by the current price of the investment vehicle.
monthly return=$1500/$115,000=1.30%
Annual percentage return=monthly return*12=1.30%
Effective annual return=(1+1.30%)^12-1
Statistical Section
The statistical section of comprehensive annual financial report contains details of most of PESTLE factors in numeric terms that shows to what extent these things will either affect or help the organization in near future.