The main religion in Israel is Judaim, and it developed around 3000 or even 4000 years ago. It is also called "Abrahamic" because of Abraham, a man who received calling from God. The religion developed through many men such as Abraham and the ones who came after him, who received revelations from God throughout the early development of Judaism.
They moved out of the foothills and into the plains (near rivers). The rivers provided more opportunities for food growth.
The Declaration of Independence was organized into five distinct segments with each segment addressing a particular issue.
You could rephrase this passage from the U.S. Constitution in these words:
"We, citizens of the United States, take the responsibility to defend our freedom, and guarantee it for the future generations."
The Preamble of the Constitution states that constitutional rights have to be thought of as not only something for the living, but also something to be preserved at any cost for the Americans who have yet to be born.