Michael Pollan is the author of the book called Omnivore. In the book he named four food chains which include Industrial, Big Organic, Pastoral, and Hunter-Gatherer.
These food chains have their advantages and disadvantages but the Big Organic is the best due to it being purely natural. It is usually without any form of additives which are synthesized artificially. It also helps in soil nutrients replenishments and subsequent increase in agricultural yield.
Set your own goals.
You know what you can achieve not anyone else. By setting your ow goals, not only is it personalized and tailored to you, but there are no set time to achieve them. By making them your own, you have time and reality of it.
Ex Nihilo - out of nothing
World Parents - creation resulting from the union of two natural forces
Earth Diver - earth emerging from water
Emergence - transfer of life from another world to earth
The correct answers are option 1) "safety guides", 4) "internal policies", 5) "safety manuals" and 6) "employees’ contracts". Workplace documents are elements that have useful information regarding the activities of a company or business society. These documents include safety guides, internal policies, safety manuals and employees contracts, because all these documents include information of the activities of a company or business society.
Answer:/// and it’s with stanzas