Answer: A: Detecting and locating objects and moving animals in the water
Its used for sensing tiny vibrations in the water
Beryllium family
English Transcript:
Beryllium is the lightest member of the alkaline earth metals family. These metals make up Group 2 (IIA) of the periodic table. They include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. Elements in the same column of the periodic table have similar chemical properties.
Spanish (Español) Transcripción:
El berilio es el miembro más ligero de la familia de los metales alcalinotérreos. Estos metales forman el Grupo 2 (IIA) de la tabla periódica. Incluyen berilio, magnesio, calcio, estroncio, bario y radio. Los elementos de la misma columna de la tabla periódica tienen propiedades químicas similares.
The marine clamworm, Nereis, is carnivorous therefore its digestive system differs from that of the herbivorous earthworm, Lumbricus. The mouth and jaws are retractable (Figure 8, 9). If the jaws are retracted, cut along the midline of the pharynx and pull the jaws out with a pair of forceps.
hope it helps:>
Water moves by gravity into the open pore spaces in the soil, and the size of the soil particles and their spacing determines how much water can flow in. Wide pore spacing at the soil surface increases the rate of water infiltration, so coarse soils have a higher infiltration rate than fine soils.
How does soil particle size affect permeability?
But permeability is a different thing. It increases as particle size increases. By definition, permeability is a MEASURE OF EASE with which fluids will flow though a porous rock, soil or sediment. ... That means capillarity increase as particle sizes decreases.
Same phenotype but different genotype is possible due to presence of dominant allele
A person can have a dominant allele on both the homologous chromosomes while another person may have single dominant allele and a corresponding recessive allele.