I like the 3rd one best with the girl with pink for the background
Genesis 2:15 - And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Genesis 2:15 (my version) - And God took him, and put him in the garden of Eden to keep it.
Leviticus 25:23 - The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me.
Leviticus 25:23 (my version) - The land will not be your's forever, for it is mine. Ye are strangers and wanderers with me.
I got the original verses from the King James Version. Hope this helps!
It is important to have a primary source and a secondary source because it allows you to set up the writing and add information to support or disagree with the topic. If you were reading two books and you were planning on comparing/contrasting them using a specific topic, those two books would be your primary sources. The primary sources are the bulk of the writing while the secondary sources add on in support with your argument. Secondary sources would be source outside of your primary sources (Internet, magazines, newspapers, etc). Primary source is the main source. Secondary source is the source outside of your main source. Secondary sources are usually used to give your paper more factual evidence or things of that source.
For question 1 they are just asking to describe how the person looks. For example if I were describe Elsa I would say: She has <u>bleach blonde hair</u> that is in a French braid. She <u>wears a elegant light blue dress</u> that flows each step she takes. They want you to also underline the details.
For question 2 they want you to describe the person using the five senses. For example: <u>Her skin is cold like winter but smooth</u>. Her hair is soft and is has waves like the ocean. They want you to underline one sense and bold the other.
For question 3 they want you to use a metaphor to describe the person and/or compare them to something. For example: She is like a storm in the winter, cold, <u>reckless</u>, and <u>never gives up</u>. They want you to also underline the comparison.
For question 4 they want you to write an alliteration for this person. For example: <u>S</u>he <u>s</u>ings, the <u>s</u>ound of her voice <u>s</u>preads, <u>s</u>o <u>s</u>oft, <u>s</u>o <u>s</u>weet, oh <u>s</u>o lovely. Also underline the letter that form the alliterative.
For question 5 they want you to write a three-sentence paragraph, so a paragraph with three sentences describing the person. You do have to make sure it has a little rhythm to it, like a poem. For example: Blonde hair, blue eyes, recklessness seems to live inside. Sweet voice spreads wild, confidence she wears like a dress. Cold skin but soft to the touch, her love is oh so much.
There you go! I really hope this helps! ;)))
The best way to interpret the story by using details