Abdera, Greece
Democritus was said to be born in the city of Abdera in Thrace, an Ionian colony of Teos, although some called him a Milesian. He was born in the 80th Olympiad (460–457 BC) according to Apollodorus of Athens, and although Thrasyllus placed his birth in 470 BC, the later date is probably more likely.
Because they had <u>a massive exploration by the mother country</u> (the one responsible by the conquest), <u>which took a considerable part of their goods.</u>
The Latin American colonies were different from the British Colonies (Thirteen Colonies and Canada) <u>because they were explored massively by Portugal and Spain during the three centuries of colonialism.</u> The Iberian countries were following an economic and political idea called <u>Mercantilism</u> which, as the main aspect, was<u> the exploration of a colony, taking the goods and sending it to the mother country. Only a small part was left for the colony.</u> And why those colonies don't rebel against the mother country, you may ask. Because since the very moment the Iberian countries began their colonization, they didn't leave any possibility of revolution, with laws and severe control of the settlers and natives. <u>Any try of revolution or riot was massively dismissed with violence.</u>
:Sir Francis Drake is best known for circumnavigating Earth (1577–80), preying on Spanish ships along the way. Later he was credited for his defense of England by raiding Spain's harbour at Cádiz in 1587 and (according to many sources) by disrupting the Spanish Armada in the English Channel with fire ships in 1588.
The reason why the promise of "40 acres and a mule disappointed many newly freed African Americans.
Was because, after the death of former president Abraham Lincoln, President Andrew Johnson mandated to reverse ownership of land from African Americans, and offered only payment for the work of the land.
When former president Abraham Lincoln was alive he made the promise. However when he died and Andrew Johnson replaced him. He just backed it up and blocked African Americans from owning the land. Instead, he offered them payment. Also, most African Americans obtained land through a private transaction. They were disappointed because the government failed its promise.