1) workers incomes went down
2) many farmers lost their land
3) the demand for food dropped so the farmers suffered
4) many workers couldn't make the mortgage payments on their farms
From what it sounds like, "concealed propaganda", would be propaganda that is subtle, trying to slowly edge under the skin of a reader, in order to make it seem like it fits in normal life. They sound familiar to news you would hear otherwise. "Revealed propaganda", would seem like it's very blatant propaganda, like what you see in politics, with almost every ad or poster smearing one thing, person, opinion, etc. Revealed propaganda tries desperately to make people join it's cause and hate the other thing. Hope this helped!
-Trumpular :)
They are so important because they handle all foreign affairs.
Slaves were a permanent labor while indentured servants were only for a few years.
Slaves trade was trade that involves buying of African's from different parts of Africa and were later sold buy there slaves masters to their buyers in Europe and American while indentured servant are merely contract workers who can either be whites or blacks doing labor works. They are not stigmatize on racial discrimination or any form.
However, slaves trade was more profitable because it was a big business where African's are sold in exchange for money or unlike indentured servant who are mainly workers that are paid for the labor they carry out. A slave effort or labor can never be paid for because he or she is seen as the property of the master.