In other words, it is so old that it is difficult to imagine.
In this case, the simplest answer is the correct one. It's not about math or science; it's just what it is; the history of the universe is very hard to imagine because is humans haven't been in it for very long.
What shot are you asking about there are
only bob
it´s to him if someone else reads it thats awkward
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Because for her this represented the idealization of love and what she seeks in a romance.
The text shown in the question above is an excerpt from the book "Their Eyes Were Watching God" where we meet the character Janie, who, while trying to dream of love and romance, finds herself trapped in unhappy marriages, where she is exploited and her position as a woman is devalued.
The excerpt shows what Janie's vision of marriage was like, before she was married. When she observes the reciprocity and intimacy between the bee and the flower, she sees this encounter as the idealization of love and romance. She is thrilled to watch the bee and the flower, because that's what she expects from a wedding and that's the kind of experience she wants to have.