The answer to this question would be :4.) SpeciesIn taxonomy, the organism will be divided into different groups based on a specific character from that organism. It could be an organ
The sequence from top to bottom would be:
The lowest subgroup is called species</span></span>
Recombinant DNA is DNA that has been created using intelligent design methods to modify a base DNA molecule using DNA component elements from other strands of DNA of other organisms. There are a wide range of possible DNA elements that can be removed, added to or otherwise modified to produce the new recombinant form.
Recombinant DNA technology clearly is genetic engineering using intelligent design as the selection and placement of the added DNA components must be planned and precisely selected and placed to accomplish the intended result. It does not happen naturalistically.
There are numerous aspects of the growing technology of recombinant DNA that modify DNA to serve the purpose of the intelligent designers, including wide ranges of research, medicine, synthetic biology, potential commercial products and even scientific curiosity.
The diagram that would be used would be an energy pyramid.
The progeny has one set of genes from its mother and another set from its father.
The Ray- Finned Fish has a bony skeleton just like crocodiles. Crocodiles evolved more and adapted to their environment. Along the way Crocodiles grew to have four limbs, were born from an amniotic egg, and then their eggs also have shells, unlike the Ray-finned fish. Therefore the three characteristics they do NOT have in common are: Four Limbs, Amniotic Egg, and Eggs with Shells. The one trait they do have in common is Bony Skeletons. They also both have vertebrae.