Poor school systems cramming in too much info within a similar amount of allotted time. An easy solution is to treat high school more like college, splitting it into separate building for what classes are in each building. Then by that point the students will have a basic understanding of what they want their career to be, and will be able to pick the classes they want, with the deadline being when they finish. On top of that this will increase jobs, which is always a plus
In chapter nine, Jack tries to tempt the rest of Ralph's group to join the hunters by offering them food, safety, and fun, a potent mix that the boys find hard to resist. When Ralph and Piggy arrive at Jack's site, they see piles of roasted meat and coconuts to eat. Jack sits on a log that is like a throne, painted like an idol, surrounded by heaps of food. When he demands to be brought a drink, it is brought to him. So the answer is he wants other boys to join his tribe.
The concept includes a number of interrelated ideas; the unifying one is that tradition refers to beliefs, objects or customs performed or believed in the past, originating in it, transmitted through time by being taught by one generation to the next, and are performed or believed in the present
Hope it will help
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