Log in to on a browser
On your browser which should be a supported browser, you should log in to since iCloud is not supported on mac OS X earlier than mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
<span>The answer is CTRL + A, this selects whole worksheet (A means all). In computing, a Control key is a transformer key which, when pushed in combination with one more key, achieves a singular operation (for example, Ctrl + A; like the Shift key, the Control key infrequently achieves any purpose when pushed by itself.</span>
The correct answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.
The correct answer is Home.
Indentation is useful to make the document easier to read. To increase the indentation of the paragraph, you press the increase indentation in the <u>Home</u> tab.
you can increase/ decrease indentation in Home tab under the Paragraph groups of command.
Othe options are not correct because:
View tab has settings related to how the document looks like. Insert tab has settings related to the insertion of image, shape, pages, tables, illustration, and links, etc into a document. The review tab allows you to review the document with different available settings.
Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files to achieve font, colour, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.
this information was taken from google
The equivalent if statements is:
ranforce = randi([0, 12]);
if (ranforce == 0)
disp('There is no wind')
else if(ranforce>0 && ranforce <7)
disp('There is a breeze')
else if(ranforce>6 && ranforce <10)
disp('This is a gale')
else if(ranforce>9 && ranforce <12)
disp('It is a storm')
else if(ranforce==12)
disp('Hello, Hurricane!')
<em>The solution is straight forward.</em>
<em>All you need to do is to replace the case statements with corresponding if or else if statements as shown in the answer section</em>