Dr. Van Helsing has to go back to Amsterdam, and he writes to Seward to keep an eye on Lucy. But Van Helsing's letter is delayed because the address is incomplete, and that delay is fatal.
On September 17th, the night a delzoological wolf escaped, Lucy wakes up frightened by a flap in her window and the howling of a wolf. Mrs. Westenra, who had removed the garlic wreath from Lucy's neck, is also frightened by the noise and runs to her daughter's room. Suddenly, the window shatters and the head of a huge wolf appears.
the answer is use of one type of marble because it just makes sense.
When you breathe in, or inhale, your diaphragm contracts and moves downward. This increases the space in your chest cavity, and your lungs expand into it. The muscles between your ribs also help enlarge the chest cavity. They contract to pull your rib cage both upward and outward when you inhale.
I goo.gled it lol
A pintura gótica inovou ao sair de uma rigidez, em vários períodos do Gótico tão conhecido pela sua grandiosa Arquitetura.
Ela vai focar em formas e figuras mais curvilíneas um maior refinamento, um rebuscado decorativo. O uso do dourado nas telas é marcante característica como pano de fundo, em várias obras. Obras em que a tridemsionalidade, ou melhor a sensação de profundidade ganha mais intensidade e mais realidade, sendo posteriormente no renascentismo italiano dominada. É preciso dizer também que, elas, as pinturas tornaram-se mais complexas no que tange aos seus temas, motivos e composições.
Outros temas que não apenas os temas afeitos aos Cristianismo, mormemente foram retratados como por exemplo alusões a eventos, ou à nobreza e seus cavaleiros ou caçadas cujos partícipes eram ilustres membros da sociedade.
Nothing was preventable so no one is responsible.
Though, it all depends on the circumstances, if its the actors fault for doing non-smart things and getting ill, its their fault, if the cameraman dropped the camera its his fault if the director checked the weather and it said it was going to rain in those areas it was his fault for not planning better.