<u>correct form of adjective</u>
8- Vous avez un nouveau téléphone.
9- C'est un bel imper ! <em>(beau becomes 'bel' because a vowel follows 'beau')</em>
10- C'est un vieil imper ! <em>( instead of "vieux" same as n°9 --> ellision)</em>
11- C'est un nouvel imper ! <em>(instead of "nouveau" elision again)</em>
<u>definite article</u>
1- le fromage
2- la mémoire
3- le nuage
<em>definite articles = le, la, l', les</em>
<em>indefinite article = un, une, des</em>
hope it helps :)
<em>Bonjour ! </em>
<em />
<em />
<em />
<em>1. Il faut que tu te mouche. </em>
b. J'ai le nez qui coule.
<em />
<em />
<em>2. Je te conseille de mettre de la glace.</em>
d. Je me suis foulé le poignet.
<em />
<em>3. Il est important que tu le laves bien.</em>
c. Je me suis coupé le pied.
<em />
<em>4. Tu dois manger des biscuits salés.</em>
<em>a. J'ai mal au coeur.</em>
Fill the white spaces with the correct form of verbs between parentheses to the COMPOUND PAST, the IMPARFAIT or the PLUSQUEPARFAIT depending on the context:
This / C' (1.) - (being) on a sunday afternoon in summer, by a lake. The sun (2.) - (shine), there is (3.) - (have) no cloud in the sky. There are (4.) - (have) a lot of people around the lake.... a few people (5.) - (do) picnics, children (6.) - (play) the ball, by then a young girl (7.) - (read) in the shade of trees and men (8.) - (sleep) with a handkerchief on her face. A little boy (9.) - (walking) his dog. He (10.) - (having fun) to throw a piece of wood into the water. The dog (11.) - (bring back) the piece of wood each time and the boy (12.) - (raise) in the water.
At some point, the dog (13.) - (not to come back). He (14.) - (being) in the middle of the lake, he (15.) - (seem) in trouble. The little boy (16.) - (call) with all his strength, but the dog (17.) - (not to move). One (18.) - (power) see that the dog (19.) - (have) difficulty swimming, that he (20.) (being) exhausted and that he (21.) - (drown), but one (22.) - (not understand) why. Everyone (23.) - (get on) watching the scene. A young girl (24.) - (get) her mobile phone out of her bag to call the first responders and she (25.) - (approach) the boy to try to console him. The children (26.) - (stop) to play and they (27.) - (go) to the edge of the lake to see more closely.
Suddenly, a cyclist (28.) - (arrival). He (29.) - (see) what (30.) - (to happen) and immediately he (31.) - (understand) the situation. He (32.) - (laying) his bike on the ground, he (33.) - (remove) his watch, his shoes, his shirt and his socks and he (34.) - (dive) in the water of the lake. The cyclist (35.) - (being) in good physical shape, he (36.) - (have) a very muscular body and he (37.) - (know) swim very well ... and in a very short time it (38.) - (approach) the dog. It (39.) - (observe) that the dog (40.) - (being) taken by the branch of a tree that (41.) - (float) on the water. With his big muscles, the cyclist (42.) - (break) the branch. The dog and the cyclist (43.) - (back) on the edge of the lake. The dog (44.) - (go) bring the broken branch to his master, the little boy.
At this time, one (45.) - (understand) while the dog (46.) - (to be wrong) and that he (47.) - (confounding) the stick of the boy with a branch in the water that (48.) - (belong) to a large tree. He (49.) - (get) killed almost, by a sense of duty! But, all was well that (50.) - (finish) well!
1:15 - 13h15
2:30 - 14h30
7:45 - 19h45
8:15 - 20h15
11:30 - 23h30
Yang habite en Chine, il adore peindre et jouer de la musique.
Frank vit en France, il joue du rugby.