The species has a higher chance of survival as there are 3 plant types, even if 2 of those die out, there's a portion of the purple gorillas that can still eat the remaining plant type
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Actually, the main pigmenting (coloring) agents in soils are organic matter, iron, and, to a lesser extent, manganese. When these agents are not covering the mineral grains, the natural color of the grains is visible. Colour is a simple method of classifying soil. Black/dark brown soil usually indicates the presence of decaying organic matter so is generally fertile. Pale brown/yellow soil often indicates that organic matter and nutrients are low and this generally means poor fertility and structure.he colour of the soil varies from one place to the other because soil is formed out of different types of rock . Since rocks are of different colours and textures , the colour of the soil varies from one place to another .
Over time from weathering and erosion. The rock will break down and turn into a fine particle with will be turned into soil.