It increases the production of goods and made our life easier.
The main advantages of technology is that it increases the production of goods and made our life easier while on the other hand, the disadvantages of technology is that it make people lazy and make people socially disconnect from each other. The advantages of technology is that it helps to fulfill the demands of the population and decrease malnutrition problems in the population whereas the disadvantages of technology in food is that it causes many health problems and has low quality. Technology causes many damages to our health as well as our society. It causes pollution in the environment that changes the ecosystem and also leads to the extinction of various species.
When the activities of a cell, tissue, organ, or system change automatically due to environmental variation, the homeostatic mechanism that operates is called autoregulation.
Autoregulation is a method of controlling the local blood circulation. It is characterized as an organ's inherent capacity to sustain a standard blood flow, given changes in the pressure of the perfusion.
Nervous stimulus action for muscle contraction
Nerve stimulation is sent to the sarcolemma, which are motor nerves at the neuromuscular junction (junction between the terminal part of a motor axon with a motor plate), after which nerve endings implant in the sarcolemma and form plaque on the surface of muscle fibers, which in turn transmit stimulus to the musculature.
Then, an electrical current (from the stimuli) is generated, it propagates through the muscle cell membrane, reaches the cytoplasm and triggers the muscle contraction mechanism.
3 francine
The four nitrogenous bases that compose DNA nucleotides are shown in bright colors: adenine (A, green), thymine (T, red), cytosine (C, orange), and guanine (G, blue). francine is not one of them