Dear Principal xyz,
I am not sure if you have noticed or not, but (school name)s sports equipment is completely dilapidated. I, as a student and sports player, am utterly concerned at the condition of the equipment. I’m terrified that one of the students here, or myself, are going to get injured while trying to do what we love. I am hoping that by bringing this to your attention, we could possibly find a way to work out a plan to receive new equipment. I personally believe that we, as hard working sports players, deserve that.
Thank you, kindly, for your time.
Student ID #
soil erosion
because soil can't erosion
A complete verb includes the main verb and all of the helping verbs. The helping verb in this sentence is "has," and the main verb is "mailed." "Not" is never considered a verb. Therefore, the complete verb is "has mailed"
Allegory. Nature.
Theme. The need for each individual to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow their own instincts and ideas.
Metaphor. "The eye was placed where one ray should fall, that it might testify of that particular ray.
Point of View.