Nuclear fear led to a new market for fallout shelters. Home economics classes taught girls how to stock such a shelter with food and supplies in the event of a nuclear attack. The government created official films on shelters, praising their value and advising homeowners on how to use them.
Cutting all taxes for landowners
For Native Americans at the time, it would have been next to impossible to understand something like the Treaty of Tordesillas. This treaty intended to partition tracts of land that the Europeans did not even know whether they existed, an action that may have looked like sheer madness and even dishonorable, for the Europeans claimed possession of lands they had not conquered by the force of their arms.Maybe, after some thought and analysis, Native Americans would have felt outraged as a man living in such a distant place, the Pope in Rome, who had no authority whatsoever for them, made the decision of handing over lands, people,wealth, etc, to two different groups of Europeans. Perhaps, other Native Americans, once they managed to understand that agreement so odd to them, might have found it laughable and it might have prompted them to challenge to take what was their own over their dead bodies.
The first World War ended with the Treaty of Versailles, which ruined all of what Germany had gained from the war. Included was that Germany couldn't have an army of any great size nor power, large portions of the territory gained was taken, it forced Germany to pay for the damages which were caused, and to admit that the war itself was Germany's fault. Each part of this Treaty angered Germany. So when the Nazi's became popular, it appeared that the Nazi's (who were fascist) might be able to abrogate the treaty and Germany to what they thought was its rightful place as a major power, the Germans supported them.
The Louisiana Purchase prompted countless conflict with the Native American population. Although it essentially doubled the size of the country, many feel as if the purchase from France brought more harm than good, thus being a bad thing. It also supported Napoleon which no Federalist wanted, and sparked massive uneasiness within the public.