Treaty of Versailles
Hitler invading Poland
Japanese Imperialism into China caused the Nanking Massacre
Failure of League of Nations
In order for an experiment to succesfully take place, the experiment must be controlated, observable, and repeatable, this means that under certain circumstances that you are able to control, you can observe an event and investigate it. It has to be observable in order to gain and gather information about the event and with this be able to come up with a conclusion of factor that make it possible and the consequences that the given event has.
Could you add a little more context please?
Creation of Federal Reserve System
An important innovation initiated by Wilson was a complete reorganization of the financial and banking system and monetary circulation. Today, it is difficult for Americans to imagine what kind of financial turmoil reigned in their country from the time of the Civil War until the beginning of the 20th century. At that time, about seven thousand banks were functioning. Gold and silver coins, certificates, notes of the National Bank were in circulation, and all the monetary circulation was under the full control of Wall Street.
To harmonize the financial system with the needs of the economy, Wilson was pushing for a law to create the Federal Reserve System (Fed), which serves as the central bank of the United States. The President adhered to the “golden mean.” He listened to the advice of conservatives and, for the sake of the effective functioning of the financial system, agreed to create 12 regional federal banks. However, the stumbling block was the principle of forming the Fed's board, which, according to the personal plan of Wilson and his progressive advisers, was supposed to regulate its activities. The president had to withstand the extraordinary pressure of banking tycoons accusing him of trying to strip them of control of their property. But he did not make any concessions, considering the appointment of the composition of the board of the Federal Reserve System solely the competence of the president. Therefore, in the management of the Fed, although its ownership is private, the state plays a significant role.
A) Beber vino sin derramar con agua, emborrachándose más fácilmente.
B) Relaciones homosexuales más extendidas y aceptables entre los hombres.
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