La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Los beneficios del Estado de derecho en la comunidad son los siguientes. El Estado de Derecho protege a los ciudadanos del poder absoluto del Estado. Con un Estado de Derecho vigente, los miembros de la comunidad pueden protegerse de los abusos de autoridad de las instituciones gubernamentales y ejercer su libertad de acción ante las injusticias. En un Estado de Derecho, el abuso de algún miembro que pertenece al gobierno, es castigado. En un Estado de Derecho existen leyes que protegen al ciudadano y que equilibran la facultad del gobierno con el derecho del ciudadano. La mayoría de países democráticos modernos tienen vigente su Estado de Derecho y las instituciones que le sirven.
to have a hardy personality.
A hardy personality is the ability of an individual to control his behavior in conditions of challenges and stress. He shows an outstanding level of commitment and control over himself. Stress can alter the daily functioning of an individual negatively by affecting his physically and emotionally. But people with hardy personality are less likely to be affected by these problems. The most important trait of a hardy personality is how they come out of the stressful situation by using the control and commitment of their strong personality.
the supreme court was to consist of a chief justice and 5 associate justices. then a federal judge was to preside over a United States district court which would hear admiralty and maritime cases and some other minor cases. Then the middle tier of the judiciary consisted of the United States circuit courts, which would serve as the principal trial courts in the federal system and exercise limited appellate jurisdiction. Two Supreme court justices and local district judge were to preside in circuit courts
The most important step in the process of setting goals from the choices you've provided would be to actually determining a long list of a goals - c. This list doesn't necessarily have to be long, but it is good if we hav ea sufficient list that we would abide by.