Dependent Clauses contain a subject and a predicate, but they do not express a complete thought. Examples: When it is raining. Because you were late. Before you go to bed. All of these groups of words contain both a subject and a verb, but they cannot stand alone.A clause is a group of related words that contains both a subject and a verb. ... An independent clause is a group of words that can stand on its own as a sentence: it has a subject, a verb, and is a complete thought. Examples: He ran.That's because a subordinate clause doesn't express a complete thought. For example: Whoever gave the dog popcorn. This is a fragment sentence. Though it has a subject (whoever) and a verb (gave), it isn't complete.That's because a subordinate clause doesn't express a complete thought. For example: Whoever gave the dog popcorn. This is a fragment sentence. Though it has a subject (whoever) and a verb (gave), it isn't complete.
there are three different clauses and the example is in there is you dont want to read the other stuff
Because the second sentence says the students WERE passed the exam last week and <em>were</em> doesn't need to be in there. Therefore it is not correct.