Spent is the most negative connotation.
Fatigued is to feel exauhsted.
Weary is lack of sleep, tiredness.
Tired is just a minimal drousy feeling.
And spent is as if your energy was all used up, consumed.
1. He and his son Icarus devised a plan to escape by using wings made of wax that Daedalus had invented. They escaped, but sadly Icarus did not heed his father's warnings and flew too close to the sun. The wax melted and Icarus fell to his death.
2. Much as it makes your goals seem further out of reach, failure also distorts your perceptions of your actual abilities by making you feel less up to the task. Once you fail, you are likely to assess your skills, intelligence, and capabilities incorrectly and see them as significantly weaker than they actually are.
Answer and Explanation:
Dobbs' descriptions of the brain's functioning in adolescents make sense, mainly because Dobbs shows this functioning by proving it with data and evidence, in addition to providing a very punctual explanation. With that, we can better understand why teenagers act the way they do. In addition, through Dobbs' words we can understand that the brain undergoes changes that promote positive and negative results, which are totally related to the way adolescents will live even in adulthood.
Even after reading the interview, the question that remains in my mind is whether there is a possibility that the brain brain will never change and present individuals in adulthood who still exhibit this inconsequential and crazy behavior that many teenagers exhibit.
I don't think we can do that.
when you prioritize something you put it before other things because it's more important.