Mephistophilis describes Hell as a condition or state of being.
Mephistophilis is one of the characters that appear in <em>Doctor Faustus </em>by Christopher Marlowe. He is a demon that warns Faustus about the consequences of rejecting God. Moreover,<u> when Faustus asks Mephistophilis to describe Hell, he tells him that Hell is not a place like many people believe. In contrast, Hell is a condition or a state of being</u>. Furthermore, he explains Faustus that Hell is in all the places where God is not. Therefore, <u>Hell is equal to the absence of God. </u>
I could not find the article that is missing in your question but I will tell you something more about the author's bias in the literature work so you can find it by yourself.
- Authors are not always having fair thinking about something, they also can have many mistakes in their thinking patterns or wrong choices. They can make it also on purpose or it could be just their natural thinking.
A bias is representing those unfair presentations of some events or situations in literature. They are having their point of view that isn't always matching our expectations. If you want to find the author's bias in your article you must find first what is the way that he looks at certain situations or feelings.
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I'm pretty sure it's -An editorial is written by the editor of a newspaper, an opinion piece is not. (sorry if it's wrong)
Opinion pieces may take the form of an editorial, usually written by the senior editorial staff or publisher of the publication, in which case the opinion piece is usually unsigned and may be supposed to reflect the opinion of the periodical.
He was cheerful and ongoing and he was kind to human beings around him