vers - turned
The word version comes from the Latin root "vers" which means turned. Different versions of a story can often take a different "turn" in the plot or characters. For example, the story of the Three Little Pigs makes the big bad wolf out to be the antagonist. However, in the wolf's version of the story, the wolf just wanted some sugar and had a nasty cold. His sneezing is what knocked over the houses when he went to ask for some sugar. These are two very different versions of the same story. They each have different turns in them.
number 4 can be easily related to current event as the BLM movement is trying to destroy monuments and remove the history of slavery from our school textbooks, if there's no history to learn from, we will not learn from our mistakes and we will make them again
The kinetic energy of a ball with a mass of 0.5 kg and a velocity of 10 m/s isJ.
(Formula: ) HELP ME PLZ
The correct answer is C. "People who support animal testing are crazy."
This is an example of an ad hominem fallacy because the thesis states that animal testing is valuable, which insinuates that the person making the claim believes in animal testing. By claiming that "people who support animal testing are crazy" is making a statement about the person himself rather than about the argument. The sentence is stating that the person who supports animal testing is crazy rather than explaining a counter-argument about the topic.
I hope this helps you! Have a lovely day!
- Mal