Excuse my English it's my second language, I believe that United states forgin policy is based on imperialism, At this point Canada Germany Japan very much all of EU is US's little empire, even though it's separate political superpowers but most of leaders has usa backed support.
The Enlightenment included a range of ideas centered on the sovereignty of reason and the evidence of the senses as the primary sources of knowledge and advanced ideals such as liberty, progress, toleration, fraternity, constitutional government and separation of church and state.
You pluck the Y on the zero then you go up one right four until you reach the end of the graph and then go down one left four
It could be considered as a key to the USA'S success. Back then we needed immigrants in order to build our nation. We were once immigrants to. So without the whole idea of immigration, the U.S might not have turned out as well as it did.
peanuts treenuts any type of nut
trust me