Na geografia<span> da </span>Antiguidade<span>, especialmente em fontes </span>romanas<span>, </span>Dácia<span> era o nome dado à região habitada pelos </span>dácios<span> (ou </span>getas<span>, como eram conhecidos pelos </span>antigos gregos<span>), um ramo dos </span>trácios<span> que vivia a norte dos </span>Bálcãs.<span>A Dácia tinha como suas fronteiras meridionais o </span>rio Danúbio<span> - Istro (</span>Istros<span>), nas fontes gregas) - ou, em sua maior extensão, o </span>Monte Hemo<span> (em </span>latim<span>: </span>Haemus Mons<span>), atual cordilheira dos Bálcãs. A </span>Mésia<span> (</span>Dobrogea<span>), uma área a sul do Danúbio, era o centro da região onde os getas viviam e interagiam com os antigos gregos. A leste, tinha como fronteiras naturais o </span>Ponto Euxino<span> (</span>Mar Negro) e o rio Danastro (Danastris<span>, atualmente </span>Dniester), citado nas fontes gregas como Tiras (Tyras<span>). Diversos povoados dácios foram </span>
Answer:to free slave and put words into law and mostly because he didnt like black people suffering.this is short but i hope it helps.
The purpose of a time line is to show what happened and when it happened
This depends greatly on the time period in question, but during the Enlightenment, many Europeans believed "the citizens" were in charge of all things including governmental systems.
Most of the reason Europe was able to imperialize other nations such as Asia and Africa was because of advanced weaponry and being more powerful. During the time Europe felt it was their duty also known as white man's burden to imperialize other nations that they felt were inferior to them.