"Spain" decided to gamble on Christopher Columbus new and radical route to the east by sailing west
The kingdom of Spain had decided to gamble on the long sail which will move across the unknown ocean. They did to get back the gold as well as spices, they have also been promised the Columbus that they will 10% of the profit, along with the governorship over the newfound lands. and they have also famed that it would go with the new title Admiral of the Ocean sea.
The six essential elements, which are: The World in Spatial Terms, Places and Regions, Physical Systems, Human Systems, Environment and Society, and The Uses of Geography, contribute to the study of history because they are based on the geography standards that are individually a big idea that links several standards together.
During World War I, Germany's overall military strategy best describes as: (A) It planned to rapidly conquer France, then send its troops east toward Russia. The Schlieffen Plan contains the design to quickly attack France through Belgium. The Germans advanced and converge in Paris. They were very successful, particularly in the Battle of the Frontiers. Then, they went east toward Russia.