Louis XVI´s decision to summon the estates-general prove disastrous because during it, the Third Estate , representing the Commoners decided to form a National Assembly, inviting the other two Estates ( Clergy and Nobility) to join them against the King. This is considered to be the start of the French Revolution.
Mountainous dry summers and cool winters. Fertile enough soil to harbour cities a few forested area and plains but mostly hills and mountains.
The Framers did divide the government powers between the national government and the states because dividing the government powers would prevent an abuse of power. The Framers of the Constitution were delegates to the Constitutional Convention
Located in South East Asia and approximately 10,000 miles away from the Continental United States the Vietnam climate and geographical plains made it hard to travel and transport supplies.
Much of Vietnam, especially the mountains is covered by dense jungle (The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the United Kingdom) Has 2 major rivers used largely for transportation.
Southern Vietnam was bordered by Laos and Cambodia and Was divided by the US military into FOUR sections making communication and back up difficult. also, the United States at the time were not trained widely for jungle battle, and were extremely vulnerable for surprise attacks.