20 POINTS Write a food critic review (5 sentences long) about your dessert item. Use DIALECT related to your restaurant. (defini
tion: In literature, “dialect” means a form of writing that shows the accent and way people talk in a particular region.) if you were trying to write with a southern dialect you might use ain't instead of not
Well my doughnut was very dry, you ain't doing that right and that's for sure. It sholduh had more cream in it, I mean it ain't a cream doughnut' without the darn cream. The doughnut wuzn't big enough it coulduh been bigger for Pete's sake you couldhuh at least made it a good size. The only diggidy darn thing you got right was the consistency which was still not that good, it was only meh. So I would rate this doughnut a 2 outta 5.