Really up to you but i say;
Citizens may own property under communism, but not under socialism, or under socialism, businesses seek to earn profits, buy under communism they seek to meet people's needs.
John Glenn was the first to orbit the earth
b. 1776
a. the Declaration of Independence
a. All nations are conceived in liberty
It was one of those things that was very short sighted. It demanded that Germany make payment to the victors (most notably England and France) for the cost of the war.
How was Germany going to do that, they asked. Germany was beaten and her economy was a shambles, to say nothing of the moral of the country. It made it easier for Hitler to take power in the early 30s.
Thanksgiving - Wampanoag: Thanksgiving is a popular holiday in the United States. But before the Europeans came, the Wampanoags were doing Thanksgiving beforehand, and ate dishes that we still eat on Thanksgiving today; cornbeard, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, etc.
Hockey - Sauk, Foxes and Assiniboine: Hovkey was originally called "Shinny", and was played with a ball made of buckskin and a curved stick. Unlike in the modern world, you can play either floor hockey or ice hockey, these Native American groups only played it in the winter.
Gumbo - Native American Choctaws: This is a very popular dish in the Southern states of America and escpecially in Lousiana. It was originally made from Native Americans, who shared the recipe with slaves and poor white farmers.
Hope this helps, have a blessed and wonderful day! :-)
- Cutiepatutie