prenatal environments
Depending on the number of fertilized eggs and when the zygote division occurs, there are different types of twins. For example, If the zygote is formed by the union of an ovule and a sperm that after fertilization is divided to create two embryos, they are born identical twins, these babies carry the same genetic information.
The correct option is ALDOSTERONE.
Angiotensin ll is one of the most potent sodium retaining hormones. It regulates aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex. The aldosterone hormone stimulates sodium re-absorption through mineralocorticoid receptors in the connecting and cortical segments of the collecting tubules.
The number of amino acids that will be in the polypeptide chain produced by the normal DNA or MRNA sequence is usually 30 amino acids. Although the number of amino acids depends on the function of the generated DNA or RNA. The types of amino acids also differ depending on the function.