Serving as commander-in-chief: Under the Constitution, the president is the commander-in-chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, as well as of “the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States” — in other words, the National Guard. The president does not have the power to declare war (that was left for Congress), but considering that the last formal declaration of war was in 1942, modern presidents certainly haven’t shied away from exercising their powers as commander-in-chief.
Carrying out legislation: As the head of the executive branch of the federal government, the President is responsible for ensuring that all the nation’s laws are “faithfully executed.” In other words, the President carries out the legislation enacted by Congress but cannot initiate legislation himself. While constitutionally speaking the president is empowered only to sign or veto legislation that Congress sends to his desk, presidents have in recent years become more assertive in interpreting legislation through the use of signing statements. These statements often object to the provisions of a particular law on constitutional grounds and instruct executive branch officials how to implement the legislation according to the President’s interpretation.
Exodus is the book with Moses' story
All catholics must be exterminated at once.
The Founders had been so concerned with making sure the central government couldn't become too powerful that they neglected to make it powerful enough to solve the issues facing a new nation.
A year before the Pilgrims made their famed journey to New England, signing the “Mayflower Compact” and thus inaugurating so many of the myths that we believe about our democratic origins, a very different ship disembarked in that older English colony to the south, Jamestown. Aug. 20, 1619, marked the arrival of 20 enslaved Africans in English North America, “bought for victuale … at the best and easiest rate they could” as recorded by the tobacco planter John Rolfe (Pocahontas’s husband), some 15 months before the Mayflower supposedly landed near Plymouth Rock.