Since there was no internet back then, life was hard, the buyers had to pay more money, and it was very difficult. Nowadays it's different. People could just stay home go on the internet and choose a car, then the next day or a few more days, there car is right in their parking lot. Hoped this helps! :)
0.0005 x 10⁻⁴ Farad = 0.000 000 05 Farad.
1 pF = 0.000 000 000 001 Farad
Divide them and get 50000 pF.
1 new contact 2 save and close
cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number;
The above statement returns 12.35 as output
Though, the statement can be split to multiple statements; but the question requires the use of a cout statement.
The statement starts by setting precision to 2 using setprecision(2)
This is immediately followed by the fixed manipulator;
The essence of the fixed manipulator is to ensure that the number returns 2 digits after the decimal point;
Using only setprecision(2) in the cout statement will on return the 2 digits (12) before the decimal point.
The fixed manipulator is then followed by the variable to be printed.
See code snippet below
<em>#include <iostream> </em>
<em>#include <iomanip>
<em>using namespace std; </em>
<em>int main() </em>
<em>{ </em>
<em> // Initializing the double value</em>
<em> double number = 12.3456; </em>
<em> //Print result</em>
<em> cout << setprecision(2)<< fixed << number; </em>
<em> return 0; </em>
<em>} </em>
<em />
Are there answer choices???? I think the answer would be remove them by using the delete button