A thousand petty shabbiness's bore witness to the negligence of the Raths. The front door had been scratched by a dog which had been run over the year before. The hot water faucet in the bathroom dripped. Almost all the furniture needed to be refinished, reupholstered, or cleaned. And besides that, the house was too small, ugly, and almost precisely like the houses on all sides of it.
Provide relief, recovery, and reform.
Answer: D
B or C (you have a higher chance with B)
Not sure how this is history but eh
Jewish Court of law was also known as Sanhedrin. It was the supreme council of Israel. During its existence, it was the supreme court and legislative body in matters of Torah law. Sanhedrin's job was to Interpret Oral Torah. There were 71 judges in Sanhedrin. Moses was also a member. The Sanhedrin could not render judgment unless the entire strength was present. The Leading sage was appointed the head of Sanhedrin.
FDR wanted some things to pass in Congress, but he did not get the required votes. Because of that, the dude wanted to change the amount of people who were able to vote so he could get more votes. He was basically abusing his power