It could be 3 answers hmm?
A would be best answer, it's purpose was to remember the soldiers lost and what they were fighting for.
When people say "lower your tone", it means lower your voice.
change some parts if you need to
One time an adult did something to embarrass me was when my dad ran through the orchestra at one of my concerts. I was playing violin for about 350 people and my dad screamed "That's my daughter!!" while we were playing. To make it worse, he stood there (in the middle of everyone) and took pictures of me! This made me very mad because it caught me off guard. It distracted me so I messed up the music. I felt upset but at the same time, I laughed because he does things like that a lot.
My experience was somewhat similar to Peter and Anne's because I was really embarrassed and so were they. My experience was more frustrating though. Anne and Peter were more embarrassed like blushing. As you can see, our experiences were different but also similar.
what are the blanks? What is the context?