We have to complete the sentences according to the situation
These sentences are based on a photo-story and we have to complete the sentences with the appropriate word according to the context or situation.
1. El Sr. Díaz y Felipe prepararon una sorpresa para la familia. (Mr. Díaz and Felipe prepared a surprise for the family.
2. Los días de fiesta, como el Día de Muertos, se celebran con la famlia. (Holidays, such as the Day of the Dead, are celebrated with the family.
3. Eduardo, el hijo de Ana María, nació el día del cumpleaños de su abuelo.
(Eduardo, Ana María's son, was born on his grandfather's birthday.
4. La tía Ana María siente gratitud y amor hacia (toward) sus padres.
(Aunt Ana María feels gratitude and love towards her parents.
5. Los días de fiesta también son para pasarlo bien con los amigos.
(The holidays are also to have fun with friends.
6. El Día de Muertos se hacen muchos postres.
(On the Day of the Dead many desserts are made.
7. Los padres de la tía Ana María se enamoraron a primera vista.
(Aunt Ana Maria's parents fell in love at first sight.)