Maybe you can do a mystery??
I don’t think that any of the options are correct..?
Mccain's essay was very exaggerating to me and managed to extend my concept of patriotism, thus leaving the concept more complete and efficient. Before reading the essay, I believed that patriotism is related exclusively to the feeling of love for the country, within that feeling it was not correct to criticize and not support certain elements, but just to love the country unconditionally. MacCain's essay showed me that criticism of the country is part of patriotism, because it is through criticism that we recognize the defects that our society has and that need to be changed. This is able to motivate us to fight for a better country. Striving for improvement represents love for the country and that represents patrotism.
1. <u>Direct Object</u> = subject noun that follows a verb and answers question whom or what.
2. <u>Connotation</u> = <u>emotional overtone of a word</u> (the word "mutilation" has a negative connotation, the latter depends on the culture and how the word is used in specific contexts.
3. <u>Indirect Object</u> = <u>indicates to whom or for whom.</u> (Susan made <u>his brother</u> a sand castle)
4. <u>Sentence</u> =<u> expresses a complete thought.</u>
5. <u>Subject noun</u> = <u>who or what does the action or being in a sentence.</u> (<u>Susan </u>made his brother a sand castle)
6. <u>Punctuation</u> = <u>way of indicating the end of a sentence or phrase. </u>(full stop, comma, and others)
7. <u>Denotation </u>= <u>dictionary meaning of a word.</u> Mutilation = The inflection of serious damage to someone.
8. <u>Ambiguity</u> = <u>confusion</u>. Something is ambiguous when it has more than one meaning.
Salt Marsh: A marsh area that is usually found by estuaries and sounds; badlands
Prohibited: Something that's has been forbidden; banned
Hover: To remain in one place, or act of being in the air in one exact place; drift
Inhumane: When there is without compassion for misery or suffering; cruel