Answer: Errors that occur during DNA replication lead to mutations, which represent permanent, heritable changes in genetic material. These errors can pass from parent cell to daughter cells and affect many generations of cells.
The ensemble of formations and folds in a single linear chain of amino acids sometimes called a polypeptide constitutes the tertiary structure of a protein. Finally, the quaternary structure of a protein refers to those macromolecules with multiple polypeptide chains or subunits.
Females typically don't have the curly tail at the end and this photo shows there are not any so I'm pretty sure it's a female.
Hello, Leah082656. There are many heated arguments over discussing stem cell research because of these two moral principals: the duty to prevent or alleviate suffering and the duty to respect the value of human life. In order to get embryonic stem cells, the embryo has to be destroyed. Although this is a huge controversial problem, by researching this could actually save and treat many other people. Some people are for it because it saves multiple people in the process, and some do not like this because it is killing an embryo. Whatever your stance is on this debate, these are the two sides that people debate over. I hope I helped!! Have a great day. :)
The most true answer from these choices is:
Methyl groups most often added to guanine-cytosine base pairs because they are held by three hydrogen bonds, and this decreases the probability of gene expression.