The primary colors of light are red, green and blue. Subtracts the target you have cyan, magenta and yellow. The mixture of the colors generates new colors as shown in the color wheel or the circle on the right. The mixture of these three primary colors produce black.
La plaza tiene una torre,
la torre tiene un balcón,
el balcón tiene una dama,
la dama una blanca flor.
Ha pasado un caballero,
¡quién sabe por qué pasó!,
y se ha llevado la plaza
con su torre y su balcón,
con su balcón y su dama
su dama y su blanca flor.
The poem translates to:
The plaza has a tower
the tower has a balcony
the balcony has a lady
the lady has a white flower.
A gentleman has walked by,
who knows what for!
and he has taken the plaza
with its tower and its balcony,
with its balcony and its lady,
its lady and her white flower.