Many people have complicated feelings about apologies, and not all of our thoughts and feelings about apologies line up. Some of us were forced to apologize as children when we hurt someone, and some of us apologized freely and felt immediately better after having done so. Some people feel shamed by apologizing while others feel ashamed until we have done so.
Apologies re-establish dignity for those you hurt. Letting the injured party know that you know it was your fault, not theirs, helps them feel better, and it helps them save face.
Apologizing helps repair relationships by getting people talking again, and makes them feel comfortable with each other again.
A sincere apology allows you to let people know you're not proud of what you did, and won't be repeating the behavior. That lets people know you're the kind of person who is generally careful not to hurt others and puts the focus on your better virtues, rather than on your worst mistakes.
The correct answers to these questions, or fill-in-the-blanks will entirely depend on context clues from the phrases themselves. Although there are no options available to choose from, the context of the sentences will clue you in on the correct word choices. These answers would be:
1. Hola Juan: Lo siento, pero no pude (I couldn´t go) ir a la fiesta porque me sentía un poco enferma.
2. Ella conoció (met) a todos los integrantes de la banda (band members)..
3. ¿Sabes? Yo los conocí (met) en México el año pasado.
4. Fui sola a un concierto de ellos porque mis padres no quisieron (didn´t want to) ir; para mis padres era aburrido.
5. Supe (I learned that) que ellos tienen una gira (tour) por todo el país el próximo mes (next month).
6. Ah...! y Paola me dijo que conociste (you met) a la hermana de Jaime.
Por eso, me gustaría explicar más sobre flamenco, su origines, por qué es como es hoy, qué esta significa para flamenco y para la cultura de España y del reinado de Franco, flamenco se hizo la baile “nacional” de España por el resto del Que fue un arte de gitanos originalmente ahora es una forma de baile muy cara
A barbecue in Paraguay is called Asado.