NO maturity does not depend on age people that are like 20 can act childish and 12-15 can act just like adults
In “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” King explains the purpose and effectiveness ofnonviolent direct actions through the concept of negotiations.For example, Kingmentions “direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that acommunity which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue.”King believes that tension is a good thing and that it is what is needed for direct actionto take place. Nonviolent can get one’s point across with hopefully less repercussions. Inaddition, King pulls an example from Socrates to strengthen his argument about whynonviolent direct action is the most effective way to handle things. For example, Kingwrites “Just as Socrates felt that it was necessary to create a tension in the mind so that individuals could rise from the bondage of myths and half-truths to the unfettered realmof creative analysis and objective appraisal, so we must see the need for nonviolentgadflies to create the kind tension in society that will help men rise from the dark depthsof prejudice and racism to the majestic heights of understanding and brotherhood.”Once again, it is thought that tension is a good thing when it comes to a controversialissue. Without tension, there can be no discussion, and without discussion, there can beno progress.
Throughout the horrors of his captivity, Wiesel states that he needed to be strong for his father. He needed to survive for his father. After his father's death, he no longer feels as though he has anything to live for. It can be assumed that he no longer paid attention to the world around him. His lack of detail about that is due to the fact that he no longer cared about what was going on.
Dear John,
I bought a dog! We are having a really great time together! His name is Rex, and he is a golden retriever. His hair is gold, and he is quite big for an eight-month-old puppy. I think Rex is a really obedient dog - he even learned to sit at my command! I take him out for a walk at least three times a day, and prepare meals for him. He prefers dog food, such as kibbles, but also likes to eat chicken. He likes to play in front of the house, and especially to run with a ball in his mouth. Rex also has his toys, which we use to play together when I get home from school.
To jest przykład listu, który napiszesz do swojego przyjaciela. Ponieważ przyjaciel pochodzi z USA, list prawdopodobnie zostałby napisany w języku angielskim. List opisuje niedawno zakupionego psa, jego wygląd, cechy charakteru i sposób opieki nad nim. List opisuje, jak spędzasz razem czas i dobrze się bawisz.