The ancient Greeks valued perfection and balance. This fascination very much impacted ancient greek art and literature. You can see this in their art, in things suck as sculptures. These sculptures look like perfect humans and are perfectly smooth without blemish. They had ideals of being godly to reflect their own gods. The sculptures reflected strength and power as well. The greeks fitted their art with harmony and balance.
Because of scarcity there is a need for a rationing device. People will compete for the rationing device. For example if dollar price is the rationing device, people will compete for dollars.
Ancient Egyptian art refers to paintings, sculptures, architecture, and other arts produced
Wall art was not produced for people to, Relief sculptures were common because they could be engraved into the walls of the tombs, making them impossible for tomb raiders to steal. Ans: The title of this tomb decoration is Stele of Amenemhat I. Ans: The sculpture shows ordinary people in everyday life. look at but it had a purpose