The high incidence of disease spread from Europeans to
American Indian populations
weakened American Indian tribes significantly, making them more vulnerable to European invasion.
The population of American Indian tribes was greatly decimated by diseases, especially smallpox and other communicable diseases. Most of the diseases were brought by the Europeans who had developed immunity to the diseases, and as a result did not suffer from the diseases but were able to spread the diseases whenever they had contact with the native Indian tribes.
Armistice- a truce or moment of peace during a war.
Reparations- payments made by the losing nation to make up for damages from a war.
Disarmament- removing arms, troops, and military capability from a country.
Provision- A condition that is required by a treaty or law.
The war techinaclly never ended, they just made a promise to one another to stop shooting for a few years.
The military facility that was built in Oak Ridge, TN in 1942 was created as the production site for the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was an American, British, and Canadian project that developed the first atomic bomb.
D. developing materials to be used in the creation of the atomic bomb