Yes, this is true!
One of the reasons why this is true is that the person starts to be independent then, so they no longer describe themselves with respect to their parents.
Another reason is that they by this time have developed personal characteristics upon which they can base their identity.
the answer you're looking for is simply : crowd
In this answer I will talk about which are the main economic sectors of Chile
Chile's main economic sectors are:
- The silvoagropecuario sector,
- The commerce sector,
- The construction sector,
- The hotels and restaurants sector,
- The manufacturing industry sector,
- The mining sector,
- The fishing sector and;
- The transport, storage and communications sector.
Wundtian psychology in Germany was slow to develop because <u>"it was not seen as having practical value".</u>
The trouble was that Wundt's psychology, with its emphasis on depicting and organizing the components of cognizance, was not exceptionally valuable for taking care of genuine issues. Maybe that was one motivation behind why Wundt's psychology did not flourish in the even minded culture of the United States. Wundt moved toward brain research as an absolutely scholastic science; he had no enthusiasm for applying his brain research to down to earth concerns. In this manner, regardless of its far reaching acknowledgment at colleges in numerous different countries, Wundtian brain research at home in Germany was moderately slow to create as a distinct science.