By adding actors and more action
The subject of the sentence "I read your blog post on the website" is "I". You can find the subject by asking yourself what is the person, place, or thing that is doing the 'doing' or is 'verbed'. Hope this helps! :)
American poet John Godfrey Saxe creating his own version as a poem, with a final verse that explains that the elephant is a metaphor for God, and the various blind men represent religions that disagree on something no one has fully experienced.
First, I would like to state that I cannot answer all of this for you. These are questions that are asking for you to explain your own thoughts and opinions. Have fun with it and be honest! However, I will write my thoughts.
Music transcends verbal communication and impacts people on a personal and emotional level. Music is found in every place, time, and culture. There are even scientific explanations on how it affects the brain, making us produce "feel-good" hormones. Most people enjoy one type of music or another and can understand what different types of music are trying to communicate through the rhythm and beat. Put simply, music is a universal way of expressing one's self, just like an other art, such as painting or dancing.
I like sleeping from Monday to Monday :P. And what do you like to do on Mondays ? :]