Many people assume that college is the only way to become a successful individual, it very much depends. College is great if you want to become a nurse, engineer, scientist, etc, but if you are just trying to make lots of money college is not a good option for it will just be a waste of time and money. There are many pros and cons of going to college depending on the major. If you are going to be a nurse you aren't going to just interact with patients immediately, you won't know what you're doing. On the other hand if you are trying to become an entrepreneur you wont necessarily need to get a PHD to do that you just need to be creative and know basic skills like using a computer, creating websites, and making a social media accounts for promotion of the product. Going to college as soon as possible is a better option because you can finish your courses while you are still young, again it depends in some situations saving up money before going to college is smart to prevent student debt but finishing faster is better.
(You can copy that exact thing)
this is very simple insergants are a type of doctor that do simple works for there community if shall give u a great explanation here u go:D
a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government
especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent
2: one who acts contrary to the policies and decisions of one's own political party
rising in opposition to civil authority or estaInsurgent is not a particularly novel coinage; it has been in use as both a noun and an adjective for well over 200 years. Appearances of the word began to spike in the early 21st century, however, due to a combination of factors (including the appearance of such combatants in conflicts and the desire among journalists to avoid words that might seem biased, such as terrorist or freedom fighter).
The definition of the noun, which includes the phrase “a rebel not recognized as a belligerent,” refers to a specific sense of belligerent: “belonging to or recognized as an organized military power protected by and subject to the laws of war.”blished leadership : REBELLIOUS
this is the passage but i don’t have an answer
The formal language
This type of language is what is used in situations that are more serious and formal, and where speakers, generally, have a distant relationship. For this to happen it is necessary to have: a correct pronunciation, adequate and varied vocabulary, well-constructed sentences or phrases (no swear words, vulgarisms, idioms). The speech is fluid and continuous, with longer sentences. in which words are not repeated or is redundant. The information is well structured and has a logical order.