An allele. It’s a variant of a cell.
prenatal environments
Depending on the number of fertilized eggs and when the zygote division occurs, there are different types of twins. For example, If the zygote is formed by the union of an ovule and a sperm that after fertilization is divided to create two embryos, they are born identical twins, these babies carry the same genetic information.
Because chromosome X carries these genes which lead To catch these diseases.
males catch these disease more than females because they have 1. chromosome X but females has 2 .
so the Recessive trait appear in males more than females .
A) To make sure that the effect is not occuring through actions in the nervous system
In the above scenario, researchers actually studies the effect of hormone to the organ but they are in a situation to study the effect on organ are either hormone base or nervous system base (neurons). For this reason they will cut the neurons to study the effect of hormone on the organ.
So, to check the effect of hormone they should cut the neurons to make sure these effect are not due to actions of nervous system.